Table of Contents
General stuff
- audit.h Auditing (logging) events.
- bbs.h The Mother of All BBS Include Files.
- bbsmod.h Entry points for BBS modules.
- bots.h Support for (ro)bots, AIs, artificial users and scripts
- channels.h BBS Channel status manipulations (aka lines, TTYs)
- config.h High-level, hardwired system configuration.
- dialog.h Interactive, modal data entry tools
- ecdbase.h Header file to include email and clubs database definitions.
- errorprompts.h Hardwired fatal error messages.
- errors.h Error logging functionality.
- filexfer.h Uploading and downloading files.
- format.h Low-level text formatting and output.
- globalcmd.h Global command plugin interface.
- input.h Low and high-level user input functions.
- lock.h Resource locking.
- mail.h Definitions pertaining to email/club messages.
- menuman.h Interface to the menu manager
- miscfx.h Miscelaneous functions
- output.h Outputting data to the user
- prompts.h Prompt block management
- security.h Definitions pertaining to access levels and security.
- sysstruct.h System-wide statistics and data types.
- timedate.h Time and date operations.
- ttynum.h Mapping between devices and BBS channels.
- useracc.h Definitions related to user accounts.
- AUDIT AUDIT convenience macro.
- AUF_ACCOUNTING Accounting (statistics etc)
- AUF_CAUTION Cautionary (severity)
- AUF_EMERGENCY Emergency (severity)
- AUF_EVENT Event execution/logging
- AUF_INFO Informational (severity)
- AUF_OPERATION System operation of some kind
- AUF_OTHER Other, miscellaneous kinds of auditing
- AUF_SECURITY Security auditing
- AUF_TRANSFER File transfers/reads, etc
- AUF_USERLOG User logs (login/logout etc)
- INI_ALL Initialise everything
- INI_ATEXIT Set internal at-exit handlers
- INI_CHAT Initialise Sysop chat mode handlers
- INI_CLASSES Load the user classes
- INI_ERRMSGS Initialise hardwired fatal error messages
- INI_GLOBCMD Initialise global commands
- INI_INPUT Initialise user input handling
- INI_LANGS Prepare languages
- INI_OUTPUT Initialise user output subsystem
- INI_SIGNALS Initialise signal handlers
- INI_SYSVARS Attach to system variable shared block
- INI_TTYNUM Read TTY to/from BBS channel mapping
- INI_USER Load/attach to the user
- BTS_FILE_ENDS End of a long file display
- BTS_FILE_STARTS Beginning of a long file display
- BTS_INJECTED_PROMPT Message from other user follows
- BTS_INPUT_EXPECTED Input expected now
- BTS_PROMPT_ARGUMENT A prompt argument (%s etc) follows
- BTS_PROMPT_ENDS End of prompt
- BTS_PROMPT_STARTS Beginning of a prompt
- BTS_PROMPT_TEXT Human-readable prompt follows
- LST_BUSYOUT Keep the line off-hook so it appears busy
- LST_NOANSWER Do not answer incoming calls
- LST_NORMAL Normal behaviour (answers calls, logins)
- LST_NUMSTATES The number of line states available
- LST_OFFLINE Answer calls, say something and hang up
- LSR_ANSWER Answering call
- LSR_FAIL Initialisation failed
- LSR_INIT The line is being initialised
- LSR_INTERBBS Another BBS is using this channel for networking
- LSR_LOGIN User is logging in
- LSR_LOGOUT Session has ended, awaiting new bbsgetty
- LSR_METABBS The user is using the MetaBBS client
- LSR_OK Line initialised and awaiting connection
- LSR_RELOGON User is re-logging in.
- LSR_RING Incoming modem connection
- LSR_USER User occupies the channel
- AUDITFILE Full path to the Audit Trail
- BADPASSFILE A list of forbidden passwords
- BADUIDFILE A list of forbidden user IDs
- BAUDSTATFILE Speed statistics log file
- CHANDEFFILE Binary file where channels are defined
- CHANDEFSRCFILE Text file where channels are defined
- CLASSFILE Binary file where user classes are stored
- CLNUPAUDITFILE Cleanup log file
- CLSSTATFILE User class statistics log file
- DAYSTATFILE Daily traffic log file
- DEMOSTATFILE Demographics log file
- ERRORFILE Fatal error log file
- ETCTTYFILE The UNIX /etc/ttys file that maps terminal types to ttys
- FLETTRWORDS A list of words used to create passwords
- GETTYDEFFILE bbsgetty channel definition file
- LANGUAGEFILE List of languages of the BBS
- LOGINMSGFILE The login message of the day
- LOGINSCRIPT The script that manages a user's entire session
- MENUMANINDEX Index file for Menuman
- MENUMANPAGES Page directory for Menuman
- MODSTATFILE Module usage statistics log file
- MONITORFILE The system monitor file
- PROTOCOLFILE The file transfer protocol definition file
- RECENTFILE The Megistos equivalent of utmp
- SYSVARBKFILE Backup of the system variables
- SYSVARFILE The main system variable block
- SYSVARSHMFILE Shared memory ID of the system variable block
- TTYINFOFILE Per-channel message of the day
- TTYSTATFILE Channel usage statistics log file
- XLATIONFILE Encoding translation table
- BBSD_IPC This spells "BBSD" (BBS restart)
- BBSUSERNAME BBS UNIX username (chowns and BBS restart)
- DELETEDCLASS Where do deleted users go? (may need to change other classes)
- EMUD_IPC This spells "EMUD" (BBS restart)
- FILEATTACHMENT The format of message attachments
- FNAMECHARS Characters allowed in user-supplied filenames.
- KBDXLATIONSRC Input translation tables
- LOGINSTRIKES Hard-wired number of login attempts
- MAXARCHIVERS Maximum number of archivers allowed
- MAXCLASS Maximum number of classes allowed (rebuild class file)
- MAXINPLEN Length of user input buf (may cause overflows in silly modules)
- METABBSID What users have to type to start the MetaBBS client
- MSGBUFSIZE Buffer for preparing user prompts
- NUMLANGUAGES Maximum number of languages
- NUMXLATIONS Maximum number of encodings
- RECENT_ENTRIES Number of recent per-user logons retained
- REGISTRYSIZE Size of user registry record
- SIGCHAT The signal used to toggle Sysop chat
- SIGMAIN Signal to drop to main channel in teleconferences
- SIGNUPID What new users have to type to signup
- SYSOP The username of the Sysop
- TOP_N_ENTRIES Number of entries in the Top listings
- XLATIONSRC Output translation tables
- ERRORMESSAGE Hard-wired, non-fatal error message.
- FATALMESSAGE Hard-wired, fatal error message.
- error_fatal Proper way to log a fatal error.
- error_fatalsys Proper way to log a fatal system error.
- error_int Proper way to log an internal error.
- error_intsys Proper way to log an internal system error.
- error_log Proper way to log a plain error.
- error_logsys Proper way to log a system error.
- XFER_ITEM_MAGIC Proper way to refer to a transfer item.
- INF_HELP High-level help requests to be handled by caller.
- INF_NOINJOTH Set to disable incoming injoth()s
- INF_PASSWD Echo asterisks (for password entry)
- INF_REPROMPT You must reprompt, injoth() received
- INF_TIMEOUT Set to indicate that a timeout occurred
- LKR_ERROR Some other error occurred
- LKR_OK Operation successful
- LKR_OWN Lock belongs to the caller
- LKR_STALE Lock's owner is dead, lock is removed
- LKR_SYNTAX Lockd failed to parse the request
- LKR_TIMEOUT Timeout waiting for lock to be removed
- CLF_MMODAX Unknown
- CLF_MMODCH Unknown
- CLF_MMODHD Unknown
- LASTREAD_MAGIC Magic number for lastread.
- LRF_DELETED This preference block has been deleted
- LRF_INITQWK I have absolute no idea!
- LRF_INQWK Club is in user's off-line packets
- LRF_QUICKSCAN Club is in user's quickscan
- MESSAGE_MAGIC Proper way to refer to a message.
- MSF_APPROVD The file has been approved by the Sysop
- MSF_AUTOFW Message has been auto-forwarded
- MSF_CANTMOD Sender cannot modify this message
- MSF_COPYMASK Flags to clear when forwarding and copying messages.
- MSF_EXEMPT Message is `tagged', i.e. can't be deleted
- MSF_FILEATT A file is attached
- MSF_NET Message came in through the network
- MSF_NETMASK Flags to clear when transmitting messages over the network.
- MSF_RECEIPT Read receipt requested
- MSF_REPLY This is a reply to another message
- MSF_SIGNUP This is a signup special message
- ECF_QSCCFG User has configured quickscan.
- ECP_LOGINASK Ask if user wants to read mail on login
- ECP_LOGINYES Unconditionally read mail on login
- ECP_QUOTEASK Ask before quoting
- ECP_QUOTEYES Always quote
- max Returns the maximum of two numbers.
- min Returns the minimum of two numbers.
- randomize Seed the random number generator.
- rnd A simple way to get (pseudo-)random numbers
- OFL_AFTERINPUT First output after an input
- OFL_INHIBITVARS Do not interpret substitution variables
- OFL_ISBOT Output is for a bot/AI/script
- OFL_PROTECTVARS Only interpret subst vars inside prompts
- OFL_WAITTOCLEAR Pause before clearing screen
- out_clearflags Clear output flags.
- out_setansiflag Set or clear the OFL_ANSIENABLE flag.
- out_setflags Set output flags.
- out_setwaittoclear Set or clear the OFL_WAITTOCLEAR flag.
- msg_get Access a prompt by index.
- msg_getl Access a prompt by index and language.
- msg_getunit Get the name of a unit in the current language.
- CHANNEL_MAGIC The channel file magic number
- TTF_ANSI ANSI enabled on this channel by default
- TTF_ASKANSI Ask people whether they need ANSI
- TTF_ASKXLT Ask people for translation mode
- TTF_CONSOLE Channel is on the system console
- TTF_METABBS Enable the MetaBBS client for this line
- TTF_MODEM There's a modem on this channel
- TTF_SERIAL Channel is a plain serial line
- TTF_SIGNUPS Signups are allowed here
- TTF_TELNET This channel is for telnet connections
- CLF_CRDXFER Allowed to transfer credits to others.
- CLF_LINUX Users have access to Linux shell.
- CLF_LOCKOUT Users not allowed to login at all.
- CLF_NOCHRGE Class is exempt from credit charges.
- ONL_MAGIC Preferred way to refer to a user online structure.
- OLF_AFTERINP Persistent version of OFL_AFTERINPUT.
- OLF_ANSION ANSI directives are allowed.
- OLF_BUSY User is unable to accept pages etc.
- OLF_FORCEIDLE Always force inactivity timeouts.
- OLF_INHIBITGO Disables "/go" command.
- OLF_INSYSCHAT User is in Sysop chat mode.
- OLF_INTELECON User is in teleconference module.
- OLF_INVISIBLE Sysop invisibility mode activated.
- OLF_ISBOT This is a bot/script/etc.
- OLF_ISYSOP Obsolete. Re-use at will.
- OLF_JMP2BLT Jumping from clubs to bulletins.
- OLF_LOGGEDOUT User is logging out or has logged out.
- OLF_MMCALLING Menuman has just executed a module.
- OLF_MMCONCAT Module should process menuman input.
- OLF_MMEXITING Exit module after concatenated command.
- OLF_MMGCDGO Module exit due to "/go" command.
- OLF_NOTIMEOUT Don't enforce inactivity timeouts.
- OLF_RELOGGED User is re-logging on.
- OLF_TLCUNLIST Personal telecon channel is unlisted.
- OLF_TR0 Translation mode, bit 0
- OLF_TR1 Translation mode, bit 1
- OLF_TR2 Translation mode, bit 2
- OLF_TR3 Translation mode, bit 3
- OLF_ZAPBYPASS Eligible to bypass inactivity timeouts.
- usr_getoxlation Extract current translation mode from user online record.
- usr_setoxlation Set current translation mode in user online record.
- USY_AGESTATS Demographic statistics.
- USY_AUDIT View audit trail.
- USY_CHANGE Alter channel modes.
- USY_CLASS Change user class.
- USY_CLASSED User class manager.
- USY_CLEANUP View cleanup logs.
- USY_CLSSTATS User class statistics.
- USY_COPY Copy a file.
- USY_DEL Remove a file.
- USY_DELETE Delete a user.
- USY_DETAIL User account information.
- USY_DIR Produce file listing.
- USY_EDITOR Text file editor.
- USY_EMULATE Emulate a user.
- USY_EVENT Event manager.
- USY_EXEMPT Delete-(un)protect a user.
- USY_FILTAUD Search audit trail.
- USY_GDET Global detail privilege.
- USY_GENSTATS Generic, user-defined statistics.
- USY_HANGUP Hang up a channel.
- USY_INVIS Sysop invisibility privilege.
- USY_KEYS Edit user's personal keyring.
- USY_LINSTATS Linux/UNIX operating system statistics.
- USY_LOGON Change logon messages.
- USY_MASTERKEY User is a Sysop (same as above).
- USY_MODSTATS Module usage statistics.
- USY_MONITOR Monitor all input.
- USY_PAGEAUDIT Set types of audit entries to be paged.
- USY_POST Give credits to a user.
- USY_REN Rename a file.
- USY_SEARCH Search user accounts.
- USY_SECURITY Security logs (subset of audit trail).
- USY_SEND Send sysop message to user or all users.
- USY_SHELL UNIX shell escape.
- USY_SIGNUPS Signup logs (subset of audit trail).
- USY_SUSPEND (Un)suspend a user's account.
- USY_SYS Execute a UNIX command.
- USY_SYSOP User is a Sysop (same as below).
- USY_SYSTATS System statistics.
- USY_TOP Various top-n charts.
- USY_TRANSFER Upload or download files.
- USY_TYPE View contents of a file.
- UFL_DELETED User is marked for deletion tonight.
- UFL_EXEMPT User is exempt from deletions.
- UFL_SUSPENDED User has been suspended.
- UPF_ANSIASK Ask about use of ANSI at login.
- UPF_ANSIDEF Use channel default ANSI value.
- UPF_ANSION User likes ANSI directives.
- UPF_NONSTOP Don't pause at the bottom the screen.
- UPF_OBSOLETE Obsolete flag value; re-use at will.
- UPF_TR0 Translation mode, bit 0.
- UPF_TR1 Translation mode, bit 1.
- UPF_TR2 Translation mode, bit 2.
- UPF_TR3 Translation mode, bit 3.
- UPF_TRASK Ask for translation mode at login.
- UPF_TRDEF Use default channel translation.
- UPF_VISUAL User wants visual tools, where available.
- usr_getpxlation Extract permanent translation mode from user account.
- usr_setpxlation Set permanent translation mode in user account.
- USX_FEMALE User is female.
- USX_MALE User is male.
- _othruseraux Other user's shared scratch space.
- _thisuseraux This user's shared scratch space.
- othruseracc Other user's account.
- othruseronl Other user's online record.
- thisuseracc This user's account.
- thisuseronl This user's online record.
Enums, Unions, Structs
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