In file useracc.h:

void usr_postcredits

(char* userid, int amount, int paid)

Post credits to a user account.


Post credits to a user account.

This function adds credits to a user's account. The user's shared segment is automatically attached in order to do this. In the process, the current `other' user's shared segment is detached and thus is no longer valid.

- userid Canonical form of the user ID to credit.
amount - The amount of credits to add. This may be negative to denote debiting of the account, but I don't recommend it, since this function has all the wrong semantics. Use usr_chargecredits() to debit accounts.
paid - Can be CRD_FREE to denote free credits, or CRD_PAID for paid credits. Zero is the same as CRD_FREE and any non-zero value is the same as CRD_PAID.
See Also:

Alphabetic index

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