In file prompts.h:

struct promptblock

A prompt block descriptor.

[more]char fname[64]
Filename of the prompt block
[more]FILE* handle
Open prompt block file
[more]long indexsize
Size of prompt index
[more]int language
Currently active language
[more]int langoffs[NUMLANGUAGES]
Indices to where languages start
[more]idx_t* index
Prompt index structure


A prompt block descriptor.

This is the structure used to hold state et cetera for an open prompt block. The data type is instantiated by msg_open(). This data type should be considered opaque.

ochar fname[64]
Filename of the prompt block

oFILE* handle
Open prompt block file

olong indexsize
Size of prompt index

oint language
Currently active language

oint langoffs[NUMLANGUAGES]
Indices to where languages start

oidx_t* index
Prompt index structure

Please use promptblock_t, the typedef instead of this structure.

Alphabetic index

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