Common filenames.
Full names of files used by the system for all sorts of storage
requirements. I suppose you could change a few of these, BEFORE
you install the BBS. I've documented those that are the most likely not to
hurt anything (much).
AUDITFILE - Full path to the Audit Trail
BADPASSFILE - A list of forbidden passwords
BADUIDFILE - A list of forbidden user IDs
BAUDSTATFILE - Speed statistics log file
CHANDEFFILE - Binary file where channels are defined
GETTYDEFFILE - bbsgetty channel definition file
CHANDEFSRCFILE - Text file where channels are defined
CLASSFILE - Binary file where user classes are stored
CLNUPAUDITFILE - Cleanup log file
CLSSTATFILE - User class statistics log file
DAYSTATFILE - Daily traffic log file
DEMOSTATFILE - Demographics log file
ERRORFILE - Fatal error log file
ETCTTYFILE - The UNIX /etc/ttys file that maps terminal types to ttys
FLETTRWORDS - A list of words used to create passwords
LANGUAGEFILE - List of languages of the BBS
LOGINMSGFILE - The login message of the day
LOGINSCRIPT - The script that manages a user's entire session
MENUMANINDEX - Index file for Menuman
MENUMANPAGES - Page directory for Menuman
MODSTATFILE - Module usage statistics log file
MONITORFILE - The system monitor file
PROTOCOLFILE - The file transfer protocol definition file
RECENTFILE - The Megistos equivalent of utmp
SYSVARFILE - The main system variable block
SYSVARBKFILE - Backup of the system variables
SYSVARSHMFILE - Shared memory ID of the system variable block
TTYINFOFILE - Per-channel message of the day
TTYSTATFILE - Channel usage statistics log file
XLATIONFILE - Encoding translation table
Alphabetic index
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