In file filexfer.h:

struct xfer_item

File transfer item structure (deprecated)

[more]uint32 magic
Magic number (XFER_ITEM_MAGIC)
[more]char dir
One of the FXM_x constants
[more]char fullname[256]
Full path to the file
[more]char* filename
Pointer to basename inside fullname
[more]char description[50]
Short description of the file
[more]uint32 auditfok
Audit flags used to log successful transfer
[more]char auditsok[80]
Audit summary used to log successful transfer
[more]char auditdok[80]
Audit detailed text template (used on success)
[more]int auditffail
Audit flags used to log failed transfer
[more]char auditsfail[80]
Audit summary used to log failed transfer
[more]char auditdfail[80]
Audit detailed text template (failed transfer)
[more]char cmdok[80]
Command to execute after successful transfer
[more]char cmdfail[80]
Command to execute after failed transfer
[more]uint32 size
File size (bytes)
[more]int32 credspermin
Credit consumption rate (times 100)
[more]int32 refund
Credits to refund in case of failure
[more]uint32 flags
File transfer flags (internal use only)
[more]int32 result
File transfer result (internal use only)


File transfer item structure (deprecated)

This has fields for all the information needed to upload or download a file. In short, the following capabilities of the file transfer subsystem are reflected here:

ouint32 magic
Magic number (XFER_ITEM_MAGIC)

ochar dir
One of the FXM_x constants

ochar fullname[256]
Full path to the file

ochar* filename
Pointer to basename inside fullname

ochar description[50]
Short description of the file

ouint32 auditfok
Audit flags used to log successful transfer

ochar auditsok[80]
Audit summary used to log successful transfer

ochar auditdok[80]
Audit detailed text template (used on success)

oint auditffail
Audit flags used to log failed transfer

ochar auditsfail[80]
Audit summary used to log failed transfer

ochar auditdfail[80]
Audit detailed text template (failed transfer)

ochar cmdok[80]
Command to execute after successful transfer

ochar cmdfail[80]
Command to execute after failed transfer

ouint32 size
File size (bytes)

oint32 credspermin
Credit consumption rate (times 100)

oint32 refund
Credits to refund in case of failure

ouint32 flags
File transfer flags (internal use only)

oint32 result
File transfer result (internal use only)

Do not use the structure directly. Use filexfer_t (the typedef instead.
See Also:

Alphabetic index

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