Permanent settings.
All documented settings can be changed at will. Some will require
additional work. This is shown in parentheses. It's all right to change any
settings without parentheses, but you'll have to recompile the entire system.
BBSD_IPC - This spells "BBSD" (BBS restart)
BBSUSERNAME - BBS UNIX username (chowns and BBS restart)
DELETEDCLASS - Where do deleted users go? (may need to change other classes)
EMUD_IPC - This spells "EMUD" (BBS restart)
FILEATTACHMENT - The format of message attachments
LOGINSTRIKES - Hard-wired number of login attempts
MAXARCHIVERS - Maximum number of archivers allowed
MAXCLASS - Maximum number of classes allowed (rebuild class file)
MAXINPLEN - Length of user input buf (may cause overflows in silly modules)
NUMLANGUAGES - Maximum number of languages
NUMXLATIONS - Maximum number of encodings
MSGBUFSIZE - Buffer for preparing user prompts
RECENT_ENTRIES - Number of recent per-user logons retained
REGISTRYSIZE - Size of user registry record
SIGCHAT - The signal used to toggle Sysop chat
SIGMAIN - Signal to drop to main channel in teleconferences
SIGNUPID - What new users have to type to signup
METABBSID - What users have to type to start the MetaBBS client
SYSOP - The username of the Sysop
TOP_N_ENTRIES - Number of entries in the Top listings
XLATIONSRC - Output translation tables
KBDXLATIONSRC - Input translation tables
FNAMECHARS - Characters allowed in user-supplied filenames.
Alphabetic index
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