
System-wide statistics and data types.
Documentation for this header file is relatively scarce, since it'll soon be undergoing many changes. The file contains global data structures to store BBS state and global settings.

Original banner, legalese and change history follow.

 **                                                                         **
 **  FILE:     sysstruct.h                                                  **
 **  AUTHORS:  Alexios                                                      **
 **  REVISION: A, July 94                                                   **
 **  PURPOSE:  Define system structures, system variable structs, etc       **
 **  NOTES:                                                                 **
 **  LEGALESE:                                                              **
 **                                                                         **
 **  This program is free software; you  can redistribute it and/or modify  **
 **  it under the terms of the GNU  General Public License as published by  **
 **  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at  **
 **  your option) any later version.                                        **
 **                                                                         **
 **  This program is distributed  in the hope  that it will be useful, but  **
 **  WITHOUT    ANY WARRANTY;   without  even  the    implied warranty  of  **
 **  General Public License for more details.                               **
 **                                                                         **
 **  You  should have received a copy   of the GNU  General Public License  **
 **  along with    this program;  if   not, write  to  the   Free Software  **
 **  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.              **
 **                                                                         **

 * $Id: sysstruct.h,v 1.3 2001/04/22 14:49:04 alexios Exp $
 * $Log: sysstruct.h,v $
 * Revision 1.3  2001/04/22 14:49:04  alexios
 * Merged in leftover 0.99.2 changes and additional bug fixes.
 * Revision 0.6  1998/12/27 15:19:19  alexios
 * Added magic number fields etc.
 * Revision 0.5  1998/08/14 11:23:21  alexios
 * Increased width of to accommodate a full
 * user name for the new modus operandi of the MONITOR command.
 * Revision 0.4  1997/11/06 20:03:39  alexios
 * Added GPL legalese to the top of this file.
 * Revision 0.3  1997/11/05 10:52:05  alexios
 * Removed SVR_SOPAUD. With the new auditing scheme, this is
 * obsolete; the operator has far more features than just
 * turning auditing notification on and off.
 * Revision 0.2  1997/11/03 00:29:40  alexios
 * Made emuqueue and monitor volatile.
 * Revision 0.1  1997/08/26 15:48:53  alexios
 * First registered revision. Adequate.

o emuqueue
User emulation structure.
o monitor
User monitoring structure.
o sysvar
System variables blocks.

Alphabetic index

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