In file security.h:

bbskey_t* key_make

(bbskey_t* userkeys,
bbskey_t* classkeys,
bbskey_t* unionkeys)

Unites user and class keyrings.


Unites user and class keyrings.

This function combines user and class keys to form the complete set of keys that a user has. A user has a key if it's contained in the keyring of the user's class, or if the user has been given this key on an individual basis.

userkeys - a pointer to the user's keyring array.
classkeys - a pointer to the user's class' keyring array.
unionkeys - a pointer to a keyring array that will be filled in with tue union of the two keyrings. This is effectively the return value of the function.
The function returns unionkeys for no particular reason.

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