Club header.
Club header.This structure describes all aspects club, except per-user access levels (except except Club operator accesses), the club's banner and messages. This really is a biggy. Allrighty, here goes:
- club
- Short name of the club.
- magic
- A magic number (CLUBHEADER_MAGIC).
- reserved
- ...for future expansion.
- clubid
- A unique integer identifying this club. Historically, the Major BBS stored its club headers in a statically allocated array, which imposed a (usually quite low) limit on the maximum number of clubs. The club ID was used as an index in that array. Megistos doesn't do this (I'm not that lazy), but the (braindead, IMHO) QWK format still needs club indices.
- descr
- A 63-character short description of the club. Typically describes the club's content, or gives the club motto. It's usually displayed right next to the club's name, if there's space.
- clubop
- The user ID of the main club's operator (ClubOP). At least one user must be associated with the club in this way. Further (identically privileged) clubops may be added by setting their individual access levels in the club.
- crdate, crtime
- Old-style club creation date and time. We kept these in view of the eventual migration to a 64-bit time_t.
- msgno
- Highest message number in this club.
- nmsgs
- Number of messages existing in the club at the time of the last cleanup.
- nper
- Number of periodic messages existing in the club at the time of the last cleanup.
- nblts
- Number of bulletins associated with the club at the time of the last cleanup.
- nfiles
- Number of files in the club at the time of the last cleanup. Approved and unapproved files are included in this count.
- nfunapp
- Number of unapproved files in the club at the time of the last cleanup.
- keyreadax
- Key needed to read this club (or, indeed, see it in lists).
- keydnlax
- Key needed to download files from this club.
- keywriteax
- Key needed to write messages in this club.
- keyuplax
- Key needed to upload files to this club.
- flags
- Flags describing this club, as a set of CLF_x constants.
- postchg
- Charge (in credits) for posting a message to this club. Can be negative, in which case users get rewarded.
- uploadchg
- Charge (in credits) for uploading a file to this club. Can be negative, in which case users get rewarded.
- dnloadchg
- Charge (in credits) for downloading a file to this club. Can be negative, in which case users get rewarded.
- credspermin
- Credits per 100 minutes spent while the user is in the club. To charge 2.5 credits per minute, set this field to 250. Negative values reward the user. Zero means being in the club consumes no credits. A special case: -1 is the default credit consumption rate for the Clubs module.
- export_access_list
- Access control list for networked clubs. This string specifies which remote systems can or can't access this club.