This function adds a file for transfer. A number of arguments are required:
mode - one of the FXM_x file transfer modes.
file - the full pathname to a file. If this file is about to be
uploaded (userto BBS), this is the recommended (but NOT certain)
name of the file.
- description a short (50 bytes including terminating null)
description of the file.
- refund how many credits we will refund the user for canceling this
- credspermin credit consumption rate during the file transfer.
This quantity is times 100. To specify consumption of 2.5 credits per
minute, use 250. Specify 0 for no time-based credit charges, or -1 for the
current per-minute charge, whatever that is.
This function returns 0 if the file is being downloaded and
fstat() could not access file, or (regardless of file direction) if
the file transfer queue for this user could not be appended to.