User-interacting validation functions.

Very high-level input functionality.
This group of functions implements most of the functionality of Megistos modules. It is strongly recommended that you use them, as they keep the user interface consistent (and if t he interface changes, the behaviour of your module will change without you having to recode).

These functions present the user with prompts, read and validate their input, offer and handle defaults, deal with concatenated commands, and produce error messages and help. Unfortunately, they need quite a few arguments. Sorry!

Fortunately, the calling interface is very similar for all these functions. Don't be scared by the long documentation, it's mostly cut and paste stuff!

You can use them as examples to code your own, specialised functions in your modules. However, please only do so if the functionality isn't provided here.

o get_number
Get an integer within certain limits.
o get_bool
Get a boolean (yes or no) answer.
o get_userid
Get and validate a user ID.
o get_menu
Validate input for a simple menu.

Alphabetic index

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