In file ttynum.h:

struct channeldef

Channel definition.

[more]char ttyname[16]
Name of the device, minus "/dev/".
[more]char config[32]
Config file for bbsgetty.
[more]unsigned int channel
BBS channel number.
[more]bbskey_t key
Key required to login.
[more]int32 lang
Default language for this channel.
[more]uint32 flags
Channel flags (TTF_x flags).
[more]int32 xlation
Default translation mode.


Channel definition.

Each channel entry in the file etc/channel.defs/CHANNELS is parsed into this structure. All of the information in the CHANNELS table is available here, too.

The name of the device special this channel is on, minus the "/dev/". For instance, the third virtual console on a Linux box is "tty3".

The name of the bbsgetty config file to load for this channel. Each config file corresponds to one type of hardware (one make and model of modem, serial hardware, et cetera), and prepares it for use by the BBS. In the case of a modem, for example, it sends initialisation strings, sets the bps rate, and instructs bbsgetty to wait for a RING.

The channel number. This is printed as a hexadecimal number to keep it short and for traditional reasons: Major did it because a Galactibox had 16 slots, and there were Galacticomm multiple modems with power-of-two devices on each card, up to, I think, eight. Besides, with Major only supporting 64 (and then 256) lines, a 16x4 and then 16x16 arrangement was a good idea. Thus, bear in mind that channel "20", is, in fact, channel 0x20, i.e. 32. Channels are almost always referred to in this confusing manner (i.e. without any indication of base). It is considered a good idea to avoid (if possible) using numbers such as 1a because they've been known to drive computer-naive users nuts.

The key required to allow users to login on this channel.

The default language to use for this channel. Different channels can have different languages. The reason is simple: certain encodings don't mix well with certain connections (older telnet clients, 7-bit ASCII serial connections, et cetera). It'd be a good idea to be able to display a language the users can read in order to login. The default language may be negative, in which case a language selection menu is presented to the user, and the default language is the absolute value of this field.

Flags for this channel, in the form of TTF_x flags ORred together. This field sets the channel's defaults and assumptions, like whether to assume that users have ANSI enabled, et cetera.

The default translation mode for this channel. It's here for the same reasons as the default language field, lang.

ochar ttyname[16]
Name of the device, minus "/dev/".

ochar config[32]
Config file for bbsgetty.

ounsigned int channel
BBS channel number.

obbskey_t key
Key required to login.

oint32 lang
Default language for this channel.

ouint32 flags
Channel flags (TTF_x flags).

oint32 xlation
Default translation mode.

Alphabetic index

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