
Outputting data to the user
This header file includes functions used to send output to the user, and to control how this output is sent. It largely implements high-level functions, with the really low-level ones abstracted away (they're horrible, ugly and kludgy, anyway).

Original banner, legalese and change history follow.

 **                                                                         **
 **  FILE:     output.h                                                     **
 **  AUTHORS:  Alexios                                                      **
 **  REVISION: A, June 94                                                   **
 **  PURPOSE:  Provide an interface to output.c, autoconfig the kernel,     **
 **            solve differential equations, speed up Windows, and other    **
 **            legends.                                                     **
 **  NOTES:                                                                 **
 **  LEGALESE:                                                              **
 **                                                                         **
 **  This program is free software; you  can redistribute it and/or modify  **
 **  it under the terms of the GNU  General Public License as published by  **
 **  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at  **
 **  your option) any later version.                                        **
 **                                                                         **
 **  This program is distributed  in the hope  that it will be useful, but  **
 **  WITHOUT    ANY WARRANTY;   without  even  the    implied warranty  of  **
 **  General Public License for more details.                               **
 **                                                                         **
 **  You  should have received a copy   of the GNU  General Public License  **
 **  along with    this program;  if   not, write  to  the   Free Software  **
 **  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.              **
 **                                                                         **

 * $Id: output.h,v 1.3 2001/04/22 14:49:04 alexios Exp $
 * $Log: output.h,v $
 * Revision 1.3  2001/04/22 14:49:04  alexios
 * Merged in leftover 0.99.2 changes and additional bug fixes.
 * Revision 0.6  2000/01/06 11:37:41  alexios
 * Added declaration for send_out(), a wrapper for write(2) that
 * deals with overruns due to non-blocking I/O.
 * Revision 0.5  1998/12/27 15:19:19  alexios
 * Added declarations that allow us to enable/disable auto-
 * matic translation.
 * Revision 0.4  1998/07/26 21:17:06  alexios
 * Added function printlongfile() that outputs a very long file
 * checking if the user has interrupted the listing.
 * Revision 0.3  1997/11/06 20:03:39  alexios
 * Added GPL legalese to the top of this file.
 * Revision 0.2  1997/11/03 00:29:40  alexios
 * Removed hardwired translation tables.
 * Revision 0.1  1997/08/26 15:48:53  alexios
 * First registered revision. Adequate.

o out_buffer
Temporary output buffer
o out_flags
Output flags (OFL_x flags)
o Output flags
Output flags.
o substvar
Substitution variable record
o out_init
Initialise output subsystem.
o out_done
Shut down output to the user.
o out_initsubstvars
Initialise substitution variables.
o out_addsubstvar
Install a new substitution variable.
o out_setxlation
Control character translation.
o prompt
Format and display a prompt.
o sprompt
Format a prompt and store it in a string.
o sprompt_other
Format a prompt for another user and store it in a string.
o print
Format and print a string.
o sprint
Format and store a string.
o out_send
Low-level string output.
o out_printfile
Print a file.
o out_printlongfile
Print a file.
o out_catfile
Print a file verbatim.
o out_setflags
Set output flags.
o out_clearflags
Clear output flags.
o out_setansiflag
Set or clear the OFL_ANSIENABLE flag.
o out_setwaittoclear
Set or clear the OFL_WAITTOCLEAR flag.

Alphabetic index

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