The Game of the Name
This looks like it should be in the FAQ. The name 'Megistos'
(pronounced MEG-istos,
not 'MEJistos' or 'mejISTos') is a
combination of inside joke and complex pun with mythological
The mythology connection: 'Megistos' is derived from 'Hermes
Trismegistos', a name attributed by the Greeks to the Egyptian god
Tehuti (or maybe Djeheuti, we really don't know), or Thoth, if you
like the Greek transliterations of the names of the Egyptian
gods. Tehuti was, among other things, god of writing, wisdom and
magic. The Greeks likened him to Hermes (aka Mercury if you like the
Latin adaptations of the names of the Greek gods), hence 'Hermes
Trismegistos', or Hermes the Thrice-Great. In later times, Hermes
Trismegistos became the patron of alchemists, chemistry hackers of their
day as it were. Megistos the BBS began as a hack, hence the name.
The pun: BBS veterans will note that many BBS software of the later
years of BBSing had superlative names (to wit: Maximus and Major
BBS). Megistos is just another one of them (it's Greek for 'maximum'
or 'greatest'). Of course it's 'thrice great(est)', not just
great. Beat
that superlative if you can!
The inside joke: Megistos is my third attempt at designing BBS
software. The first two, unnamed implementations failed utterly. Disk
crashes (those were the days) helped, but I suspect that the choice of
operating system (DOS) and programming language (Pascal with ad hoc,
homemade multitasking extensions) signed the death warrant of the
previous two systems.